Local citations and back links will yield positive results for your business.

In Media by RankWorks

A website is a tool that makes your business known far and wide, but to maximize the benefits there are strategies that need to be adopted. Back links and citations rank higher among the strategies that help build an online presence. To maximize website visibility for localized keywords a business needs to use both strategy, and the focus needs to be equal, otherwise you may not be visible online at least on the top pages, and that is why every business wants to be.

To understand how they work in building your business presence, it is important to understand the similarities and differences between the two strategies as well as how they work. On similarities, both strategies involve giving references to your business online. They typically appear on third party sites and can appear on the same page and at the same time. If done correctly, both strategies have a high chance of raising your website ranking. On the flip side, they can also affect it negatively.

Citations need a direct mention of your business as well as its address without necessarily linking it to the website. This also does not have to be on a webpage, it can be done on an online yellow page where a business is just listed but has no link. They can also be found on a local business association page where all the information about the enterprise is found but in this case there is no link to your website. Citations provide a perfect way to promote a local business, it is also credible since there are no chances that someone can fake an entry in an online yellow page or a list of local businesses. There must be local people who already know of your existence and therefore chances of faking information are slim.

Links, on the other hand, involve a third party giving a reference to your business. It means that someone out there knows about you and is willing to refer others. An article dealing with a certain issue can reference your business as one of the reliable providers on a given good or service. Here the reader will have already built an opinion about your business, they are likely to click on a back link to get more information about you.

Using back links and citations to build an online presence pays, you have already scored high points and visitors are likely to buy as they have been referred by a website or a person who they somehow trust.

Rank Works has the capacity to guide you on how these two strategies can help you build your online presence. These are strategies that are ranked high as far as yielding positive results is concerned. Use them to increase traffic to your website. The beauty of this traffic is that they already know something about you, you are known out there and that is why others have confidence in you!